Our Goal

The goal of Haiti Care Mission is to share the love of Jesus with the children of Haiti through handmade items. Each hand sown item is made to help every child know that they are precious in His sight. Pinless cloth diapers, pillowcase dresses, and sleeping mats are used as a means of sharing the Gospel of Jesus with the children and families of Haiti.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

November updates

     It seems like each month we are talking about being busy.  Busy, busy, busy.  Busy can be a bad thing if it is wearing you down and your work is not producing fruit.  But, busy can also be good.  When we are busy doing the Lord’s work, it is not a burden but a joy.  We are fulfilled when we are busy doing what we are called to do.  For us, being busy this month means watching God open doors and use Haiti Care to change lives. We are blessed to be part of all that He is busy doing.
     This month we saw the mighty hand of God move as He provided all of the funds for the drought relief project we mentioned last month.  When we were in Haiti in September, we were informed of this need and within 2 weeks of presenting it in the newsletter, all of the funds were received and sent to Artibonite, Haiti, to begin the work of assisting the villages. God has such an awesome way of moving peoples’ hearts and making a way when we can’t see a way.  We are grateful for each person who contributed to this project.  We are hoping to have pictures and a report from the field to let you see how your gifts changed lives.
     This month Lance took a weekend trip to Iowa to participate in a church missions weekend.  It was a great opportunity to reconnect with the church family and make new connections for Haiti Care.  Thank you to each of you that stopped by to say hello and encourage us.  We are blessed to have such a big support and prayer team. 
      The rest of October was a busy time of preparing for our next trip.  At the end of this month we will be traveling to Haiti with a team of men.  The men will be working on the construction of a fish pond.  This pond will be used to develop a microenterprise for the church and school.  This will help them to be self supporting and independent of outside help.  That is a great accomplishment in Haiti and we hope that more churches will follow this model. 
     While the men are working on construction, Lynn and the girls will be sharing the Gospel and distributing items with the children.  We are planning to visit four schools/churches.  In addition, we will work at headquarters on various projects.   Please pray for us as we travel.  Pray that we follow God’s guidance and direction for every step of the planning, traveling and the ministry work.
     In all of this work and busyness, God is faithful to supply us with all of the energy and strength that we need.  We have found that the key to living a life of busy is to take time and be in God’s presence daily. Without times of rest and replenishment, we would be nothing, but as we spend time with Him each day,  he fills us up and directs our paths.  If you feel like your life is full of busy, don’t forget to take time and be still with God.  He will give you all of the strength that you need as well.
     We pray that each of you has a blessed Thanksgiving with  family and friends.  We will be celebrating an American thanksgiving in Haiti and we will be thanking God for each of you.  Thank you for believing in God’s vision for Haiti Care Mission. 

 Praises and Prayer requests
· Praise the Lord for a safe trip to Iowa for Lance.  He had a great weekend of reconnecting and building new relationships for Haiti Care Mission.
· Praise God for the funds that have been provided to help in the drought region of Haiti.  The money is already on the way to help these precious people. 
· Pray for the team that will travel to Haiti this month.  Pray for safe travels, God’s direction and for favor with everyone we meet.
· Pray for the people of Haiti as the political season comes to the nation.  Election times in Haiti are always a time of high stress and potential violence.  Pray for peace across the nation.

Some pictures of a clothing distribution in Haiti with a partner missionary.

 Living victoriously in Christ, 
Pastors Lynn and Lance Anderson