Our Goal

The goal of Haiti Care Mission is to share the love of Jesus with the children of Haiti through handmade items. Each hand sown item is made to help every child know that they are precious in His sight. Pinless cloth diapers, pillowcase dresses, and sleeping mats are used as a means of sharing the Gospel of Jesus with the children and families of Haiti.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

An Outstanding Trip

As most of you know, we just returned from another trip to Haiti.  The last week of November we were able to take an outstanding team of men with us for a week long trip.  The trip was a great success and this team was amazing.  These men embraced every aspect of the mission and the experience.  They worked long hard days and they gave 100% to the Haitian people.
      During the week, the men  worked at a school/church property in Arnoux to finish a tilapia pond.  The pond will provide for a microenterprise so the church can become self sufficient.  But beyond the pond, the men were also able to complete a roof on a pastor’s house.  They were such hard workers that they accomplished two projects instead of one.
     Meanwhile, the girls and I taught the Gospel at four locations and distributed many gifts to the students.  We were blessed to be able to meet with 1100 kids and dozens of teachers.  The students were very respective to the message of the salvation and hundreds responded.  God was truly at work as we traveled and ministered.  He opened the hearts and prepared the way for His message.  We are blessed to be a part of what He is doing in Haiti.
     God also provided well needed protection and provision as we traveled.  It is a very heated political season in Haiti right now but God protected our vehicles and guided our steps.  Thank you for all of you that prayed.  We truly felt the power of your prayers.
     This trip was a huge success and we are grateful for each person who provided items of love, financial support and prayers. You are making a difference in Haiti.  Thank you for partnering with us and answering the call to give your time, treasures and talents.  Haiti Care Mission is blessed by the many who believe in the mission that God has built.  Thank you for helping share the love of Jesus with the children of Haiti.

 Prayer and Praise Reports 

· Praise the Lord for a safe and productive trip.  God protected and provided for us on every side. 
· Pray for us as we seek God’s will for Haiti Care for the upcoming year.  We long to know His vision and His plans.
· Pray for the people of Haiti as the heated political season ends with elections this month.  Pray for peace across the nation.

With grateful hearts, Lynn and Lance Anderson

Thursday, November 5, 2015

November updates

     It seems like each month we are talking about being busy.  Busy, busy, busy.  Busy can be a bad thing if it is wearing you down and your work is not producing fruit.  But, busy can also be good.  When we are busy doing the Lord’s work, it is not a burden but a joy.  We are fulfilled when we are busy doing what we are called to do.  For us, being busy this month means watching God open doors and use Haiti Care to change lives. We are blessed to be part of all that He is busy doing.
     This month we saw the mighty hand of God move as He provided all of the funds for the drought relief project we mentioned last month.  When we were in Haiti in September, we were informed of this need and within 2 weeks of presenting it in the newsletter, all of the funds were received and sent to Artibonite, Haiti, to begin the work of assisting the villages. God has such an awesome way of moving peoples’ hearts and making a way when we can’t see a way.  We are grateful for each person who contributed to this project.  We are hoping to have pictures and a report from the field to let you see how your gifts changed lives.
     This month Lance took a weekend trip to Iowa to participate in a church missions weekend.  It was a great opportunity to reconnect with the church family and make new connections for Haiti Care.  Thank you to each of you that stopped by to say hello and encourage us.  We are blessed to have such a big support and prayer team. 
      The rest of October was a busy time of preparing for our next trip.  At the end of this month we will be traveling to Haiti with a team of men.  The men will be working on the construction of a fish pond.  This pond will be used to develop a microenterprise for the church and school.  This will help them to be self supporting and independent of outside help.  That is a great accomplishment in Haiti and we hope that more churches will follow this model. 
     While the men are working on construction, Lynn and the girls will be sharing the Gospel and distributing items with the children.  We are planning to visit four schools/churches.  In addition, we will work at headquarters on various projects.   Please pray for us as we travel.  Pray that we follow God’s guidance and direction for every step of the planning, traveling and the ministry work.
     In all of this work and busyness, God is faithful to supply us with all of the energy and strength that we need.  We have found that the key to living a life of busy is to take time and be in God’s presence daily. Without times of rest and replenishment, we would be nothing, but as we spend time with Him each day,  he fills us up and directs our paths.  If you feel like your life is full of busy, don’t forget to take time and be still with God.  He will give you all of the strength that you need as well.
     We pray that each of you has a blessed Thanksgiving with  family and friends.  We will be celebrating an American thanksgiving in Haiti and we will be thanking God for each of you.  Thank you for believing in God’s vision for Haiti Care Mission. 

 Praises and Prayer requests
· Praise the Lord for a safe trip to Iowa for Lance.  He had a great weekend of reconnecting and building new relationships for Haiti Care Mission.
· Praise God for the funds that have been provided to help in the drought region of Haiti.  The money is already on the way to help these precious people. 
· Pray for the team that will travel to Haiti this month.  Pray for safe travels, God’s direction and for favor with everyone we meet.
· Pray for the people of Haiti as the political season comes to the nation.  Election times in Haiti are always a time of high stress and potential violence.  Pray for peace across the nation.

Some pictures of a clothing distribution in Haiti with a partner missionary.

 Living victoriously in Christ, 
Pastors Lynn and Lance Anderson

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Building Relationships

We just returned on Friday from another successful trip to Haiti.  This trip had a very different agenda than most trips but it was very productive in many ways.

    The main purpose of this trip was not to do ministry work with the children.  This trip was about building relationships.  We had a very unique offer to travel to Haiti to meet new missionaries and meet with church leadership.  We are very grateful for this offer and it turned out very well.

     During the trip we met with several long standing ministries in Haiti.  We were able to share our hearts for the country and hear about how we can come alongside them to better serve the people of Haiti.  We also had some very significant meetings with church leaders and we are looking forward to seeing how these new open doors will develop into future ministry and trips.

     Additionally, during the trip we met with a longstanding partner who was able to meet with us at the airport and pick up several packages.  Through this delivery, we were able to bless the children of his churches with over 375 items of love.  On Monday, I received this thank you note from them, which expresses that by Sunday, all of the items were already in the hands of the children.
Dear Lynn and Lance,
Thank you very much for the gifts for the churches. Yesterday I went to Fonds-Parisien and Fonds Dieu to give the clothes and you know they were very excited.  Saturday, I took clothes to Athis and they were very happy also.

Again, thank you.  It was a blessing for the children.
Pastor L.
We were very happy to know that within 5 days these gifts were already in the children’s hands.  Praise God for this connection!

     During one of the visits with a pastor from Haiti, we became aware of the dire conditions in one area of the country.  The pastors from that area gave us a report that there are no crops growing any longer in that area. Therefore, there is no food or income for the people.  It is a very serious condition and many are being affected.  They will need approximately $5000 to get this area through this crisis.  With the proper funds, they could feed the people there and help them make it through until the drought is over or they can find a way to bring in irrigation for the future crops.  If you would like to make a donation towards the relief efforts to help this area of the country, please contact us and we will give you more information.

     Overall, the trip was a huge success in many ways but most importantly, the trip was a success based on the relationships that were built.  We believe that the work of ministry has always been and always will be about relationships.  Relationships were important to Christ and they should be important to us.  We value each of you for your relationship with us.  Whether through donations of goods, financial support, or prayer, we are grateful for your relationship with Haiti Care Mission.  You are a huge part of every life that is touched through this ministry.  And, we thank God for you
Praises and Prayer requests
· Praise the Lord for new relationships and opportunities.  We were blessed to meet many new missionaries and visit new ministries where we will soon be connected.
· Please pray for Haiti.  There are areas of severe drought in Haiti, where the local pastors are crying out for help for their families and their children.  No crops means no income and no source of food.   If you are interested in helping with this specific need, please contact us.  They need approximately $5000 to help feed the people of this area and bring irrigation to the crops.
We found some friends in Zorange.

Helping one precious girl with carrying water.

The kids from the community enjoying the new well.

This church got a new building and a new well.  Praise God!


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Where did August go?

     It has been a busy month for Haiti Care Mission and for our family.  Here is a quick recap of where we have been and what has happened.

     We started the month with a two week trip to the Midwest.  While we were there, we met with sewing groups, collected nine bags of luggage full of Haiti Care goods, met with partners, and spoke at two churches.  We were blessed by each of these appointments.  We loved having a chance to share our vision for the future and to give personal reports of how God is using Haiti Care Mission to touch lives in Haiti.  Thank you to each of you that invited us to share, bought us a meal or welcomed us into your homes.  We appreciate each of you and are thankful for your hearts for missions.

     We also spent lots of quality time with our families in Wisconsin and Iowa.  It was a perfect balance of work and play.  We are grateful to have families that believe in and support our mission work.  God has blessed us richly through our families.

     Upon returning home, we quickly shifted gears as the girls started school. We are off and running into the new year.  Grace is now in 5th grade and is almost as tall as me (Lynn).  Hope has started 4th grade and is trying all she can to catch up with Grace.  They are enjoying their new teachers and classes.  We know God has plans for each of them.

     We are currently in the final phase of packing and planning for our September trip.  We are going to serve with new missionaries and meet with  national church officials.   We are praying for God to give us discernment and wisdom as we meet and discuss new opportunities for HCM in Haiti.  We are looking forward to seeing how God is expanding the ministry and opening doors for us. Please pray for travel safety and for God’s plans to be clear to all of the people involved.

     Over the past week, we watched and waited as Tropical Storm Erika approached the island of Hispaniola.  The reports from Haiti indicate that Port au Prince was relatively unharmed by the storms.  They did receive rains but nothing that produced damage.  The mountainous areas of Haiti experienced damage to the trees and crops.  Damage to the crops and trees can be devastating to the farmers who depend on their produce to solely provide income for their families.  Please pray for the people who have lost much that God would provide for every need. 

     This month marks our 6th year of serving the Lord as missionaries.  When we moved to Florida in 2009, we had no idea what obstacles, roadblocks, opportunities and blessings God had in store for us.  We are grateful for all that He has done for us and for every person He has brought into our lives.  Thank you for coming along on our journey.  We would not be here without your prayers and support.

Blessings, Pastors Lynn and Lance Anderson
Pictures of Haiti Care Mission dresses in Peru.


Saturday, August 1, 2015

Traveling Season is Here

As I sit down to write this month, the most pertinent thing on my mind is traveling.  If you could take one look at our calendar, you would see that we are beginning the season of traveling.

     During August, we will travel to the Midwest for a two week trip which will include both itineration and vacation.  We are looking forward to connecting with supporting churches in Iowa, as well as meeting with sewing groups and spending time with family and friends.  It may seem like two weeks is a long trip, but I have a feeling the time will go by way too quickly.

     In September, Lance and I will travel to Haiti for a 5 day trip.  We have been invited to travel with the regional director of the Assemblies of God World Missions to meet with  missionaries and the national church leadership of Haiti.  We are very excited about this  opportunity to learn more about their ministries and how Haiti Care Mission can help to meet their needs.  We have prayed for God to bring us more connections and more open doors to serve, and we believe God is answering those prayers through this opportunity.

     In October, Lance will travel back to Iowa on a  weekend trip for church’s mission conference.  In addition during November, we will be taking a team to Haiti to work on a construction project along with Haiti Care Mission work. 

     Each of these trips has a specific purpose.  We are praying that we will see God fulfill the purpose of each trip and we will see God’s hand at work during the trips.  We covet the prayers of our supporters and prayer warriors so would you please pray with us for each of these trips. 

     We need prayer for our divine connections, traveling safety, physical protection and our favorite prayer is for God’s favor.

     God’s favor is so powerful.  When I looked up what it meant to experience God’s favor, I found something that really made me smile.  According to the website, Learn the Bible, God’s favor means to give special regard to; to treat with goodwill; to show exceptional kindness to someone.  Sometimes, it means to show extra kindness in comparison to the treatment of others; that is, preferential treatment.” 

      When I think of the number of hours we will be spending traveling in cars, planes, and trucks, I can’t help but pray that we experience the “preferential treatment” in that description.

     We believe that when you seek to walk with integrity before God and others, God causes others to see us through His eyes of favor.  We are praying that as we seek to honor God with every aspect of our lives, we will experience God’s favor during each trip.

    Thank you, in advance, for all of your prayers.  We appreciate your support and blessings.
Living victoriously in Christ,
Pastors Lance and Lynn Anderson
Never let loyalty and kindness get away from you! Wear them like a necklace: write them deep within your hearts,  Then you will find favor with both God and people, and you will gain a good reputation.
Proverbs 3:3-4 NLT
For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous, you surround them with your favor as with a shield.
Psalm 5:12
May God be merciful and bless us.
May His face smile with favor on us.
May your ways be known throughout the earth, your saving power among people everywhere.
Psalms 67:1-2 NLT









Monday, May 4, 2015

Obstacles and Roadblock

     Have you ever thought of the difference between an obstacle and a roadblock?  When you are driving down the street and you see an obstacle, you swerve and go around it, then continue on your way.  Obstacles are annoying, and sometimes dangerous, but they can be maneuvered around. 

     With every one of our missions trips, we have had our share of obstacles.  There are many kinds of obstacles.  Obstacles like illnesses on the day before we leave, delays in flights or delays in the deliveries of items we need to pack.  All of these have been annoying and we believe were sent to us to distract us from the purpose of the trip.  We believe the enemy was attempting to frustrate our plans by placing obstacles in our path.  Thankfully, when these obstacles came, we have been able to maneuver around them and accomplish all that needed to get done and the trips have been successful despite these annoyances.

    A roadblock is definitely different than an obstacle.  A roadblock means that this path is temporarily closed.  It means that if you choose to go around it, you will be putting yourself in danger.  Roadblocks are signs that you need to change your direction or wait until the road is open again.

     As many of you know, we were supposed to be in Haiti this week.  But this week, we experienced a roadblock.  As we made the final preparations for this trip, we felt very strongly that the Lord was prompting us that we needed to change the plans for this trip.  We know that God has not closed the pathway for us to Haiti.  He is simply telling us that this trip needed to be changed.  We believe that when the Holy Spirit guides us, that we need to be obedient.  That is the main reason we chose to change our plans.

     Being able to discern the difference between an obstacle and a roadblock can be very hard to do.  With this trip, we looked very closely at the circumstances, sought trusted counsel, and made a tough decision.  We trust that with God’s help we have made the right choice and God will continue to open up pathways in the future for our next trips.   Of course, we are disappointed that we are not with the people we love and doing the work we have been called to do, but with expectation, we look forward to what we will do in the future.

     Thank you for all of the wonderful gifts and items you have sent for the people of Haiti.  We can assure you that these items will get to Haiti during our next trip or through alternative pathways.  Thank you for your generous giving and for helping us touch the hearts of children in Haiti for Jesus.
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. 
Romans 8:28 NLT
I am satisfied that when the Almighty wants me to do or not to do any particular thing, he finds a way of letting me know.
Abraham Lincoln
Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.
Isaiah 30:21 NKJV
 Praises and Prayer requests
· Thank God for His leading and direction.  We are grateful that He gives us the pathways and His timing is always perfect.
· Praise God for all of the wonderful, hard working sewing groups.  Many will be blessed through the labor of your hands.
· Please pray for God to continue to lead Haiti Care Mission in every way. 
· Please pray for the people of Haiti.  Pray for God’s hand of protection over them and His provision to meet all of their needs.
· Please pray for open doors and new pathways in Haiti.  We are always looking for more ways to serve His children.


Blessings, Lance and Lynn Anderson